97 research outputs found

    Las concepciones de los alumnos sobre el conflicto y la convivencia. Un estudio con alumnado de 4º de ESO

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    Presentamos los resultados parciales de una investigación en curso, inscrita en el marco de una tesis doctoral, que ha partido del diseño de un “ámbito de investigación escolar” para la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales de 4º de ESO sobre el “conflicto y la convivencia” y se centra en el seguimiento de su experimentación con un grupo del IES Torreblanca de Sevilla durante el curso 2010- 2011. Ofrecemos una panorámica de las concepciones iniciales de los alumnos como paso previo necesario para una intervención educativa, que pretende trabajar con ellas para enriquecerlas y hacerlas más complejas y cercanas al conocimiento científico social.In this article we present partial results of an ongoing investigation that forms part of a doctoral thesis, which has started from the design of an ‘area of school research’ on ‘Conflict and Coexistence’ for teaching of Social Sciences of 4th year of Compulsory Secondary School (ESO) and is centred on its experimentation with a group of Torreblanca IES in Seville during the academic year 2010-2011. Then we offer an overview of the initial conceptions of students as a necessary step for educational intervention, which aims to work with them to enrich and make them more complex and closer to social scientific knowledge

    Conflict and Coexistence: Research with 15-16 Year Old Secondary School Pupils in a Seville Suburb

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    Presentamos una investigación que ha tomado la forma de tesis doctoral y que se ha realizado durante el curso 2010-2011 con un grupo de alumnos de 4.º de ESO de un instituto de la periferia de la ciudad de Sevilla. Partiendo de problemas prácticos profesionales, el autor, que es el profesor del grupo e investigador, ha experimentado una programación de aula innovadora y ha hecho un seguimiento de sus resultados en cuanto al aprendizaje de los alumnos, el desarrollo profesional del profesor y la influencia de la cultura del centro, a través de una investigación evaluativaA description is given of a study which formed the body of a doctoral thesis, conducted during the 2010/11 school year with a group of 15-16 year old pupils in a suburban secondary school in Seville. The author, the group’s teacher, implemented with them an innovative classroom programme and applied evaluative methods to track the pupils’ learning performance, his own professional development, and the influence of the school’s culture

    El juez de la Iglesia en la Sevilla moderna: familia y matrimonio

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    En el siglo XVI se mantenían las costumbres matrimoniales basadas en rituales privados mediante promesa verbal e intercambio de dones. La Iglesia pretendía la sacramentalización del matrimonio y la transformación de la ceremonia privada en procedimientos canónicos escritos. A tal fin, la Audiencia del Juez de la Iglesia de Sevilla incrementó el número de sus oficiales y sus competencias para lograr una mayor vigilancia y control en una esfera de la vida de los seglares de gran importancia económica, social, afectiva y pulsional.In the sixteenth century ,the marriage customs were based on private rituals through verbal promises and gift exchanges. The Church tried to consecrate the marriage and transform the private ceremony into written canonical procedures. Thus, the Church of Seville increased the number of its ecclesiastic servants and enlarged its competences, in order to improve the surveillance and control of secular life

    Educar para una ciudadanía democrática y participativa: una investigación con un grupo de 4º de ESO

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    Publicado como libro con título Educar para la Participación Ciudadana en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 2 volúmene

    Camino a casa: Reflexiones en torno al proceso de cambio profesional de un profesor de secundaria

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    En este artículo se describe el proceso de desarrollo profesional de un profesor de secundaria. Parte de la caracterización de una situación de insatisfacción muy común a los profesionales de esta etapa educativa y analiza las posibilidades y las dificultades implicadas en el cambio de modelo didáctico y de práctica profesional

    Teachers of Secondary School as democracy coaches: study of their conceptions during their initial formation

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    This study has been developed within the framework of a European Erasmus + project called ELEF†. The aim of this project is to develop, implement, evaluate and replicate innovative democratic learning environments. With this purpose, the Democracy Coaches are trained as agents of citizen participation and generators of democracy, both in educational centres and in informal educational settings. In this context, and during various training sessions, the Democracy Coaches work with the knowledge and skills they need to acquire. This paper focuses on the study and analysis carried out on the concepts expressed by these teachers of secondary education during their training. In order for them to become democracy coaches in the formal educational field, we address concepts such as democracy, citizenship and the most appropriate teaching-learning methodology for illustrating these concepts and competences, bearing in mind that they should educate citizens with full awareness of their rights and duties

    Conceptions of Contemporary Art in the school culture and integration possibilities. A case study

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    Presentamos una experiencia que se ha desarrollado en el marco del Máster Universitario en Profesorado en Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas (MAES), de la Universidad de Sevilla. En concreto se trata del diseño y experimentación de un proyecto de innovación que toma la forma de una secuencia de actividades para ser experimentada durante el periodo de prácticas con un grupo de alumnos de 4º de ESO de un IES de la ciudad de Sevilla. Supone, además, una experiencia personal de reflexión sobre las posibilidades del Arte Contemporáneo como guía e instrumento didáctico para la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, el cual conecta con la cultura eminentemente visual que nos define actualmenteWe present an experience which has been developed in the framework of the Master of secondary teacher training at the University of Seville. Specifically, it is the design and testing of an innovation project that takes the form of a sequence of activities to be experienced during the practice with a group of students from a High School course in Seville. It also assumes a personal experience of reflection on the possibilities for the teaching of Social Sciences, using a learning resource, contemporary art, as a guide and pedagogical resource which connects with the predominantly visual culture in the world today

    To teach research we must begin by investigating: an experience in teacher education

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    Se describe una experiencia en formación inicial de maestros que parte de la propia actividad investigadora del alumno como oportunidad para la reflexión sobre nuestro propio proceso de aprendizaje, para proseguir con la reflexión sobre distintas experiencias de investigación globalizada del medio y con el aporte de referentes teóricos, y culminar con el diseño de una propuesta didáctica para el alumnado de Educación Infantil.This paper describes an experience in teacher education that starts on the student's own research activities as an opportunity for reflection on our own learning process; the experience follows with a reflection on different experiences of global environmental research and the contribution of theoretical references, and culminates in the design of a didactic proposal for kindergarten students

    Citizenship Education : Projects and Programs in Andalusia

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    This paper focuses citizenship education in Spain and Andalusia. We present a study where we show the main features of education for citizenship in Spain and analyze projects and programs offered by Andalusia's Consejería [Local Government Ministry] of Education to address the problem of coexistence. Specifically, the schools have various bodies and instruments including the Commission on Coexistence, the Coexistence Classroom, the Space of Peace School Project, the School Mediation Workshop, the Workshop on Reflection, etc. The concept of citizenship admits of different definitions adapted to the context and events. This research work shares the vision given by Pérez Luño (2002): Citizenship is defined as a concept belonging to a democratic society that grants the exercise of rights and implies the responsibility of duties. It is a concept closely related to the freedom and equality of the human being, free of impositions and submissions, and which aims to consider men and women as active and responsible actors in the social context. Taking an educational approach as a starting point, Karen O’Shea elaborates in 2003 a Glossary of terms for Education for Democratic Citizenship (O’Shea, 2003), taking as groundwork the reports, studies and programs developed by the Council of Europe about this topic. He highlights the double dimension (juridical and socio-cultural) of the term citizenship referring, on the one hand, to the personal status of an individual whose rights and duties are legally recognized and, on the other hand, to the role played by the individual. It means the values and rules of behavior with regard to other members belonging to the same community. To understand citizenship as a concept with a double dimension is to recognize the importance of its accomplishment, to highlight participation, and the necessity of looking for a way to grant peaceful coexistence fostering shared norms and values as well as the development of common awareness. Citizenship becomes not only a juridical status but also a way of life where it is necessary to share values and norms in order to cope with the common responsibilities of a social life. This final concept directly connects with the social and civic competence defined in European politics. Despite the differences, the common pillar of the social and civic competence is the education geared to the application of the social dimension of citizenship. This sort of education is currently in great demand. We are witnessing the increasing significance of education as a key aspect for the development of skills, abilities and attitudes granting a peaceful coexistence and the rights and duties of human beings. The so-called knowledge-based society demands individuals able to face continuous changes, take decisions without external influence of the means of communication, select information and be aware of the necessity to grant a peaceful coexistence and fight for equal rights. Consequently, citizenship education is understood as a current need born from the characteristics of our society, which emphasizes the requirement of active citizens, aware of their rights and responsible for their duties. Citizens capable of making their own decisions, with critical thinking, engaged in achieving the common good, defending and promoting democratic values, and willing to fight for equal opportunities as well as for the respect to diversity

    School life, from episteme to doxa. Findings from a case study

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    Se presenta una síntesis general de las conclusiones extraídas en un trabajo de investigación desarrollado en el marco del Máster Universitario en Profesorado en Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas (MAES), de la Universidad de Sevilla. En concreto esta investigación se ha centrado en la problemática de la convivencia escolar utilizando como instrumento de análisis el constructo discurso-realidad. Esto supuso hacer una comparación entre dos objetos de estudio: por una parte, un conjunto de textos curriculares y organizativos seleccionados específicamente por constituir el marco legislativo del contexto escolar estudiado; y, por otra, la situación de convivencia real existente en un Centro Público de Secundaria de la ciudad de SevillaWe present an overview of the conclusions drawn in a research developed under the Master in Secondary School Teaching, Baccalaureate, Job Training and Language Teaching (MAES) of the University of Seville. Specifically, this research has focused on the problem of school life using as an analytical tool the speech-reality construct. This concerned a comparison between two objects of study: first, a set of curricular and organizational texts specifically selected because of constitute the legislative framework of the studied school context; secondly, the actual living situation existing in a public secondary school in Sevill